You can help earn money for Greenfield Concert Band by ordering gift cards to pay for your everyday purchases.

Purchase gift cards at face value and use them in place of cash, checks or credit cards for your everyday shopping.

Be sure to use enrollment code 7A97E4L64L314 when signing up online.

Direct donations can be made through our Paypal Donation Page at any time. Our username is @GreenfieldCB.

50/50 Raffles

We'll always have a 50/50 raffle and/or other types of fundraisers at our concerts. Have fun and support the band!

Be on Our Trailer

Have your own business? With a donation of $500 or more, we'll put your logo on our trailer!


Never miss a beat! Stay up to date on recent news, current happenings, upcoming performances, fundraisers and more by following us on Facebook.